Instruction for Filling the Application

 The symbol (*) indicates mandatory fields.
Personal Information
Name of the Candidate  (To be typed with initials at the end as printed in HSC/SSLC Mark sheet) * Please Enter Name as in HSC/SSLC Mark sheet with initials at the end.
Date of birth * The format is dd-mmm-yyyy         (e.g..15-August-1995)
Gender * Select the relevant option.
Religion * Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Community * Select the relevant option from the dropdown. 
Mother Tongue* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Particulars of Parents
Name of the Father* Enter the name of your Father.
Occupation of Father * Choose the appropriate option from the dropdown.
Name of the Mother * Enter the name of your Mother
Occupation of Mother * Enter the occupation of mother.
Choice of Programme of study (Subject to availability of seats)
Preference1 * Please select choice of program.
Preference2 Please select Choice of program.
Preference3 Please select choice of program.
Address for Communication
Address Line 1 * Enter your Door number, apartment number
Address Line 2* Enter your Street Name.
Address Line 3 Fill the locality Name.
City/Town/Village * Enter your city / town name.
State * Select the relevant option from the dropdown. 
Pin code* Please fill only numeric characters (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between.
Phone Number (with STD code)For Eg.04465420117 Give your contact number with STD code. Do not leave any space in between the numbers
Mobile Number* If you have any mobile number fill in this column.
Email ID * Fill your full email address; for e.g Don’t use email id of other persons.
Retype Email ID* Please retype the Primary Email ID
Educational Information
Qualifying Examination* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Register Number Select the relevant Register Number.
Month & Year of Passing (For ex:Apr 2016)* Enter month & year of Passing.
Medium of Instruction* Enter medium of instruction.
Mathematics(%) Enter your mathematics percentage.
Physics(%) Enter your physics percentage.
Chemistry(%) Enter your chemistry percentage.
Choice of Examination Centre
City / Town* Select your preferred choice of City/Town from the DropDown
Examination Date* Select examination date from the DropDown
Upload Photo
Upload Photo(Only .jpg or .jpeg or .gif formats, Upto 150 kb)* You have to upload your image in the given format and size.